Not so happy scrapper

Saturday, July 14, 2007


hi everyone,

How have you all been?

Well alot has happened but not alot if that makes sense.

The holidays have been and gone. Havent done much. Spent the day in Taupo last Wednesday with Pam and her family. Had a great time.

Have done a couple of Circle journals and 3 layouts. But they are the first I have done in a very long time.

I went out with some friends on Tuesday night, left the kids at home with Chris while I had a good time. So nice to talk to adults,real adults..

Kids are having an ok holiday, not much to do due the weather being really shocking in the 1st week.

I am meeting up with some friends again in Taupo on the 21st.. Looking forward to that for sure.
Never met one of them before, she is an online mate from down south. The other i just met 2 weeks ago and she is from Rotorua.

Now im off to check up on everyones blog, I have been so very slack. Will post some photos later on...
